About Us

Our Company offers quality services that’s affordable to home owners, businesses and industrial sites. 

Mudau Projects

About Us

Mudau Projects (Pty) Ltd (Reg 2013/233963/07) is a modern and small construction company, servicing the building industry in South Africa. We are 100% black owned and proud to have directors who have been in the building industry for 15 years.

Our Company offers quality services that’s affordable to home owners, businesses and industrial sites. 


This company is about making dreams a reality and visions brought to life. We are a small company that’s aiming to bring our vast experience in the building industry for the benefit of our clients. We pride ourselves in three things namely, Quality, Reliability & Affordability.

We have a Vision
Mudau Projects’ vision is to become a leading brand in the building and renovations industry in the Western Cape and slowly but sure we are making our mark. We would be  pleased to see you relating to our company freely because of the quality and affordable services we offer.
It is our desire to be a brand for everyone in the Western Cape and hopefully in South Africa, we want you to relate to us as yours. All our clients are valued so highly and that’s why we strive for quality always. At Mudau Projects we will never compromise on quality and that’s our promise to you.
We have a Mission
Mudau Project’s mission is to become South Africa’s leading reliable,quality,yet affordable construction company. We want South Africa to have a trustworthy source for all their building and renovations needs. To raise the standards in the industry with sound business practices, innovative use of new technology, and through feedback from our customers to develop the best customer service experiences.


Contact Us

9 + 5 =

Ballito Durban, Kwazulu Natal

074 493 8663
